The 2017 Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation conference was co-hosted with Applied Research and Innovation Centre, Selkirk College, and was supported by our conference partners the Rural Policy Learning Commons and the British Columbia Rural Network.

Host Organizations

Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation

The Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (CRRF) was established in 1989 to contribute to the revitalization and sustainability of rural Canada through collaborative research for rural leaders in the community, private sector, and in all levels of government. CRRF works to create credible insights and to improve our understanding of issues and opportunities that are of common interest to rural residents across Canada. Knowledge and better understanding are the fundamental pillars for the welfare of rural communities and environments. For further information visit

Click here to become a CRRF member (and receive discounts on registration costs!)

Selkirk College

Selkirk College logoLocated in the West Kootenay and Boundary regions of British Columbia, Selkirk College has been providing innovative and unique learning opportunities through nationally recognized programs since 1966, celebrating 50 years in 2016.

Among today’s almost 2,400 students at Selkirk, are over 300 international students, from 26 countries, and 125 Aboriginal learners studying in more than 30 program areas. Selkirk is home to the Mir Centre for Peace and it’s new Applied Research & Innovation Centre contains the Regional Innovation Chair in Rural Economic Development, the Selkirk Geospatial Research Centre, and the Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute. The college is located in a world-class outdoor setting which provides incredible recreational opportunities for students’ study and leisure times. For further information visit


Conference Partners

British Columbia Rural Network

The BC Rural Network was formed in 2004 to enhance the capacity of rural British Columbia to develop responses to rural and remote community issues. The Network aims to build stronger rural and remote communities in BC by promoting better understanding of rural issues across all jurisdictions, and developing responses that create positive impacts for rural residents and communities. For further information on the BC Rural Network visit

Rural Policy Learning Commons

Rural Policy Learning Commons LogoThe Rural Policy Learning Commons (RPLC) is a project that learns by doing. Our aim is to build on what is already out there, not to reinvent the wheel. Through collaboration and networking, the RPLC hopes to add to the research of rural policy as it applies to governance, infrastructure and services, human capital and migration, and natural resource development. The Rural Policy Learning Commons is a seven year initiative funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. For further information visit